[email protected]   +977 61-536937

Know Us MULT

BAHINI Educare Foundation (BEF) is a Non-Governmental, Non Profit, Non Political and a humanitarian Organization established in the year 2014. Registered in the District Administration Office Kaski (# 3154/070/71) and affiliated to the Social Welfare Council Kathmandu (# 38527/070/71), BEF was co-founded by Mr. Raymond Lindinger and Surendra Pariyar.

Mr. Lindinger is a European social activist, who has been in and around Nepal for two decades dedicating his life for the most underprivileged girls and women in Nepal. He lives a life according to and aspired by the Buddhist values and ethics. His sole aim is “how can we optimize our projects” and “How can we help more and with greater efficiency”.

On the other hand Mr. Pariyar has been working in the sector of children, women and other humanitarian causes for over 15 years.

As is evident from the name, ‘Bahini’ meaning – little sister; therefore the ‘girl child, young women, single mothers’ are our major target group.

The Foundation has the objective to reach out to the poorest and most vulnerable namely single, destitute mothers/grandmothers with dependant daughters and in lack of the most basic needs and beset with permanent difficulties. Our projects are governed by various grass root projects: a) Educare Family, b) Education Support c) Improved Cooking Stove d) Health, hygiene and Awareness e) Child Friendly Local Governance.

It has been our declared aim to prevent the worst forms of abuse, exploitation and trafficking of girls in Nepal. However, we are not excluding boys completely. Some Educare families that have boys but with a majority of girls are taken care of and incases that do not meet our criteria, we support them with education.

Despite progress over the last decade, girls and women remain the majority of Nepal’s unfed, uneducated, exploited, abused and stunted! We are committed and determined to change this sad and intolerable truth!

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