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Key Achievements 2018

  • EDUCARE FAMILIES [22 Families: 76 Beneficiaries]

22 mothers/grandmothers with 40 girls and 14 boys benefitted from this program receiving basic food items, all education costs, health care, counseling and winter clothes.

  • Education Support: [31 beneficiaries]

27 girls and 4 boys receive education support namely school fees, Books and stationary, Uniform and foot wares etc           

  • Distribution of Education supplies:

All children (66 girls and 18 boys) have been provided with two pairs of uniforms, school bags, raincoat/umbrella, socks and a pair of foot wares before the beginning of the school session. They have also been provided with sweaters/coats for the winter. All of them have also been provided with stationary and books required for the school session.

  • Distribution of Food supplies:

All Educare Families have been provided with basic nutritious food supplies at the beginning of each month. Along with food supplies, they are also provided items of hygiene like soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, sanitary pads etc. We do not provide them with vegetables but encourage them to either grow them on their own or earn it.

  • Medical care/ Health Check up:

All members of the Educare Families (76 Beneficiaries) were provided with Health Checkups before the beginning of the session. Height, Weight and normal check up was done to see if they are improving.

A regular health assessment and Awareness is also done during family visits each month.

A health camp with a gynecologist and nurses was conducted in the office premises, where 100 women and children benefitted.

  • Distribution of Summer & Winter clothes:

All Educare Family members have been provided with summer clothes during the festival Dashain. They have also been provided for winter clothes and a pair of shoes.

  • First Aid Awareness:

2 First Aid Awareness class has been held in the office premises for all mothers and two of their elder children. The first one was an introduction while the second one a revision.

We have also provided each family with a First Aid box with emergency medicines and first aid kit.

  • Counseling:

A ‘group counseling’ for the mothers was conducted at the beginning of the year. This focused primarily on taking care of children, how they can be treated with love and care etc.

  • Sanitary pads:

This is an ongoing project. We continue to provide sanitary pads to the members of our Educare Families. 

Besides these we also used to provide sanitary pads to students in Government schools in Chapakot & Puranchaur. Distribution of pads is generally for emergency purposes in schools and this is included with awareness on menstrual hygiene.

  • Family Visits:

Each Educare Family is visited once every month. This is combined with food distribution, health check up and educational update.

  • Networking:

We continue to network with NGOS working in the sector of women and children. Having said that Government agencies like the ward office, District Administration, Municipality and various ministries for social development are part of the network we work closely with.

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