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Earthquake relief Actions

In April 2015 Nepal was struck by two devastating earthquakes claiming more than 8000 life’s and destroying ten thousands of houses. Some of the villages near the epicenter of the quake were completely destroyed.

Five days after the first earthquake we conducted our first relief action to the district of “Gorkha” the epicenter to the west.

Our small convoy of two jeeps and one truck loaded with material, food and medicine reached some remote villages in this district, where no help had arrived until then. The villagers where desperately waiting for help and  soon after our arrival we started to distribute what those who lost everything most urgently needed: tents, mats, blankets and staple food like rice, pulses, sugar, oil and the like. Moreover we provided medicine and water-purifying tablets.

All in all we conducted three “relief actions” within one month providing hundreds of tents, mats and blankets, thousands of kilos of rice, hundreds of kilos of pulses, sugar and much more desperately needed stuff.

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