[email protected]   +977 61-536937

Our Objectives

UNICEF has declared gender-based discrimination, violence and abuses as emergency and we are at the forefront to fight this raging fire!

We work to save children’s lives and prevent them from being trafficked, exploited and abused! It is our declared objective to prevent and/or alleviate worst forms of violence and abuse like trafficking of girls and women for flesh-trade, bonded-labour, child-marriage, forced-prostitution and other forms of violence and abuse. We help them to meet their basic needs, to be safe and expand their opportunities to reach their full potential and this with a simple, down to earth approach and a unique, all-encompassing and low-cost strategy.


“In Nepal every year thousands of children and adolescences’ are trafficked to India, China and the Gulf-Countries for the purpose of exploitation, which includes exploiting the prostitution of others, sexual exploitation, forced labour, slavery and removal of organs. 

In Nepal too the number of underage girls who are coerced into prostitution, rape, and domestic violence has seen a dramatic increase over the past decade. The “WHO” came to the shocking finding that suicide is the leading cause of death for women aged 15-49!”

Our Approach

Our work:

Against this background the “BEF” is implementing an innovative and all-encompassing program based on provision of the basic needs, education, vocational training, communication and social mobilization for preventing human trafficking. Utter poverty and food-insecurity are the main reasons why families are agreeing that their underage children are migrating for livelihood and employment opportunity. This shows that sustainable livelihood options have to be facilitated targeting this age-group.

Since the year 2014 the “BEF” has been supporting 28 such single Mother headed families and the results are amazing.

How are we helping?

We are helping our target groups where they are living, in the slums surrounding the city and in the villages.

We are providing for their basic needs and education, for them to live a life in safety, health and dignity.

What are we providing?

  1. Staple food to prevent food-insecurity.
  2. Appropriate clothes for each season.
  3. Anything required for a proper hygiene.
  4. Healthcare.
  5. Education.
  6. Vocational-training.
  7. Advice and protection whenever needed.
  8. Awareness programs.

What is making us different from other organisations?

We are supporting our target-groups where they are living, in their habitats in the villages or in the slums surrounding the city and we are only providing what is necessary to lift them out of a degrading and paralysing poverty. Thus, we are creating a minimum of dependency and we help them to become free of the vicious cycle of ignorance and poverty that has lasted for too many generations of girls and women in Nepal.

Our support is giving them the security and the hope to continue to struggle for a better life and face the day-to-day challenge with courage and determination.

What are the advantages of our approach?

  1. We don’t have to build expensive infrastructures to care for our beneficiaries
  2. Our beneficiaries are not institutionalized. 
  3. We are operating with very low administration costs.
  4. The Mothers are not forced to give their children to “Children-Homes” because they are unable to provide for their basic needs and education.
  5. The children are not deprived of their mothers and they continue to live in a family and their social environment.
  6. Our approach is creating a minimum of dependency because all family members continue to face the challenge of their day-to-day reality.
  7. We are able to provide for one beneficiary in this way for “One EURO a day”! The average cost for a child in a children home is between four to eight Dollars per day.
  8. Our beneficiaries are not receiving any Money from us and they have to continue to work for their living. 

What is making our work unique?

The combination of efficiency, simplicity, directness and cost efficiency is making our project unique in Nepal and maybe beyond! 

We are absolutely convinced that our innovative approach is the right answer to the humanitarian emergencies and gender-based discriminations we are currently facing.

Since many years the international development and donor/agencies are looking for an alternative to conventional children’s homes and for new ways to achieve more sustainability and less dependency. Since the year 2014 we are implementing such an alternative and our beneficiaries are the living proofs that “Our alternative is working!”

Please support our work; no one is more deserving of our help than our extremely vulnerable and highly endangered “Target-Groups”!

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